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11 Recommended Links
Understanding the process of praying for and leading those into deliverance with Donna Rigney.
As Christians, did you know we can be demonically oppressed? Even though we received salvation and complete restoration through Jesus, possible for the enemy to have a stronghold in areas that we leave open to him. In this series, Pastor Robert talks about the different kinds of doors we leave open to the enemy, how we can close them, and what it means to be truly free.
Healing through Deliverance, Vol. 1: The Foundation of Deliverance Ministry - book by Peter Horrobin
Through in-depth Scripture teaching, Horrobin demonstrates persuasively that the charge Jesus gave his disciples to heal the sick and cast out demons was a vital part of the Great Commission for the whole church for all time. Healing through Deliverance, Volume 1 lays out the biblical basis for the ministry of healing and deliverance. Horrobin analyzes in detail the ministry of Jesus and the early church, as recording in the gospels and Acts, and answers many difficult questions.
Healing through Deliverance, Volume 2 shows how people can be become affected by demonic powers and offers keys for bringing about healing through deliverance. Then Horrobin provides practical guidelines for building and conducting a healing and deliverance ministry through the local church and in ministry and counseling centers. With these two works, believers will be equipped to respond to all of God's call-to preach the gospel, heal the sick, and cast out demons.
Part 1 of a 2 part series, How Demons Come in and How to Get Them Out.
Part 2 Why some people are not delivered and what you must do to be delivered are both answered in this class style teaching by Derek Prince.
Frank Hammond explains the practical application of the ministry of deliverance, patterned after the ministry of Jesus Christ. He presents information on such topics as: * How demons enter * When deliverance is needed * Seven steps in receiving & ministering deliverance * Seven steps in maintaining deliverance * Self deliverance * Demon manifestations * Binding and loosing * Practical advice for the deliverance minister, *
Unlock the Path to Freedom... Could I Have a Demon?, Your Wall of Protection, Strongholds of the Enemy, Footholds of the Enemy, Removing the Enemy's Agents, The Path to Freedom, and more!
Gain freedom from Satan's oppression! If you're struggling with ongoing problems, could demons be involved? Prince describes their characteristic activities, explains how they gain control of your life, and offers nine steps to deliverance. Expanded edition features a study course that provides review and application questions, memory verses, and faith responses after each chapter.